Holiday House Decoration Winner

CPCA Holiday Decorating Contest Winner

We are happy to announce that 234 Cowley won the Champlain Park Holiday House Decorating Contest for the second time yet! It was indeed very hard to beat: the front lawn was decorated with snowmen and nutcrackers and strings of colorful lights. Brightly lit wire candy canes hung on the shrub down the driveway, demonstrating the effort put in by the deserving winners on this amazing display. All storeys of the house, along with the garage and the porch, were also festively decorated in the same manner, delighting most passersby.

We thank all those who participated in the contest, both by decorating their house and by voting for their favorite. You truly contributed to sharing the holiday spirit during these unprecedented times.

We would also like to congratulate the deserving winners. They have won a $50 gift certificate good at a Wellington West business of their choice generously donated by the Wellington West BIA.

Thanks again and happy holidays!!

Eirene and Nick

Holiday House Decoration Contest – Reminder

Champlain Park Holiday Decorations Contest

Reminder: Don’t forget to vote for the best holiday decorated house in Champlain Park! You have until Dec 26th to vote by sending the house address to either 1) or 2) texting us at 613-620-6502. The winning house will win a 50$ gift certificate donated by the Wellington West BIA.

[Poster for Holiday Decorations Contest]
2021 Holiday Decorations Contest.pdf

Holiday Charity Auction Successful!

The Champlain Park Holiday Charity Auction is now closed and we have raised an amazing $820 for the Parkdale Food Centre foodbank!!!

None of this would have been possible without your great generosity in participating in the auction by either donating your time, talent and unique items for those in need or that you bid on those items and donated to the foodbank.

The response by the neighbourhood was great and people really enjoyed following the auction.

We are getting in touch with the successful bidders to arrange donations and will put them in contact with those who donated the item they won. And of course if you want to just donate to the Parkdale Food Centre irrespective of the auction you can do that directly as well: (Donate Now)

Once again a huge thank you for your generosity – you have truly shared the holiday spirit!!!

-Eirene and Nick

P.S. Don’t forget to email us your vote for the best decorated house by Dec 26th. Best decorated house gets a $50 gift certificate donated by the Wellington BIA to any business on Wellington!

Holiday House Decoration Contest

Champlain Park Holiday Decorations Contest

Decorate your house for the Holidays and win a $50 gift card!

Every family member has a vote!!!

Vote for your favorite Champlain Park house by emailing: 1) your name and 2) the address of the house to

The best decorated house wins a $50 gift card good at any Wellington West business. Thanks to the Wellington West BIA!
Continue reading “Holiday House Decoration Contest”

Holiday Charity Virtual Auction

Champlain Park get ready for the 2nd annual Champlain Park Holiday Charity Auction!!!

[Poster for the Winter Holiday Auction]

All money raised will be donated to the Parkdale Food Centre.

Makes a great Holiday gift!

To participate you can:

1) donate a good or service to the auction (for example quilts, baked goods, books, knitting, gardening services, shoveling someone’s walk, etc…) before the 5th of December

2) go on the website starting Dec 1 and put in a bid for any of those goods/services up to Dec 15 5pm.  If you have the winning bid you provide a donation to the Parkdale Food Centre in that amount and we’ll arrange for you to get your item.

First step – we are seeking donations!!!  To donate:

Send us by email 1) a title, 2) short description and 3) a picture of your donation to

For the auction see:

Holiday Decoration Contest Winner

Champlain Park Holiday Decorations Contest

We would like to congratulate the winner of the Champlain Park Holiday Decorations Contest whose efforts were recognized by Champlain Park residents. The winner is 234 Cowley Avenue!!! This house was voted the best decorated by residents of Champlain Park because of the dozens of festive decorations that adorned it: snowmen, strings of lights, toy soldiers, etc…It was not surprising that the Santa stopover won the prize that consists of a $50 gift certificate that can be used at any Wellington West merchant.

[House with strings of lights all over the place and hordes of glowing snowmen on the ground]
Continue reading “Holiday Decoration Contest Winner”

Holiday House Decoration Contest – Reminder

Last week for you to vote on the best decorated house!!!

You have until December 26th to vote for the house in Champlain Park with your favourite holiday decorations. Everyone can vote, big and small!

To vote email Nick at this week with the address of the house that you think has the best decorations.

The house with the most votes wins a 50$ gift certificate to any business in West Wellington. The prize was generously donated by the West Wellington BIA.

[Holiday Decorating Contest Poster, Landscape, Bilingual]

Holiday Auction Wrap-up

Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2020 01:08:36 +0000 (UTC)
From: Nick Xenos <>

The Champlain Park Holiday Charity Auction has now closed and we’re happy to announce that it has raised over $1700 for the Parkdale Food Centre!!! See the link at

The neighbourhood got completely behind it with great donations of unique items and services, lots of heated bidding and over 3000 website visits!

A big thank you to all who donated items and to all bidders, your generosity during these holiday times is much appreciated. Please see below a message from the Executive Director of the Parkdale Food Centre:

“Thank you so much…This donation will go a long way in helping us to purchase ingredients for the hundreds of nutritious meals we make every week, to share with neighbours in need.”

And a big thank you to the Champlain Park Community Association for helping make this happen!

Just a reminder that the house decoration contest is still on, running until the 26th.