Shop local

This informational page displays links to local businesses which are in the vicinity of our community, who provide many varied services facilitating a better quality of life.

Shopping “local” benefits us all,  from lessening the impact on the environment, to supporting the livelihoods of the local business owners and providing employment opportunities for the community at large, in doing so, facilitating making this a creative and eclectic urban shopping district.

With shops, services and restaurants just a short walk away, it’s not surprising that Westboro Village  and Wellington West have both become the most sought after addresses in Ottawa.

Wellington West

Wellington West is the commercial district of Hintonburg and Wellington Village, located in the west end of Ottawa between Little Italy and Westboro.

Wellington West

Westboro Village

Located 6 kilometers west of Parliament Hill, the Westboro Village extends along Richmond Road from Island Park Drive to Golden Avenue (including Danforth Avenue and Picton Avenue).

Westboro Village

Buy Local Grow Local Food Guide

Welcome to the Just Food Buy Local Grow Local Food Guide! This guide lists farms in the region of Eastern Ontario and West Quebec, as well as businesses that support local farmers (restaurants & retailers) and community gardens. It is searchable, so please play around and find exactly what you are looking for. The “get started” button. It will clear all of the fields, and you can select the exact items that you are looking for. Start exploring and have fun!

Ottawa Tool Library

Simply put, a tool library is a place where you can borrow tools instead of books.
Tool libraries evolved because people wanted to pool resources in a way that would benefit the environment and save space and money – rather than every household owning its own dust-covered drill for that once-a-year job or keeping that pasta maker received as a wedding gift that may never be removed from the box.