Spring Naturehood Bird Walks – April 26+

Upcoming Naturehood Outings

Friday Morning Spring Bird Walks

Date: Friday mornings (April 26 – early June)
Time: 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
Location: Champlain Park Pollinator Garden (Carleton and Pontiac)
Leader: Jennifer Neate


As the natural world awakens from its winter sleep, our feathered migrant neighbours are slowly beginning to arrive. Eastern Phoebes and Song Sparrows have added their voices to the morning chorus, and they will soon be joined by a colourful kaleidoscope of warblers.

[Adorable small Setophaga pinus (Pine Warbler) songbird sitting on tree branch. Photo by Skyler Ewing from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/adorable-small-setophaga-pinus-songbird-sitting-on-tree-branch-7645629/]

Come out and meet some of the resident and migrant birds of your naturehood on this family-friendly outing. We will see who we can find together, and practice some basic skills that will help you to locate and identify the birds around you. Bring your curiosity, a set of binoculars and a bird field guide or the Merlin bird app, if you like.

Registration is not required but if you would like to be notified of cancellations due to weather, feel free to send an email to jen@spiritwalkers.ca with the subject: “Naturehood Outing.”

Spring Naturehood Bird Walks

Upcoming Naturehood Outings

Spring Bird Walks

Date: Friday mornings (May 5 – early June)
Time: 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
Location: Champlain Park Pollinator Garden (Carleton and Pontiac)
Leader: Jennifer Neate


As the natural world awakens from its winter sleep, the feathered migrants have begun to arrive! Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Eastern Phoebes and Chipping Sparrows have added their voices to the morning chorus and they will soon be joined by a colourful kaleidoscope of warblers.

[Adorable small Setophaga pinus (Pine Warbler) songbird sitting on tree branch. Photo by Skyler Ewing from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/adorable-small-setophaga-pinus-songbird-sitting-on-tree-branch-7645629/]

Come out and meet some of the resident and migrant birds of your naturehood on this family-friendly outing. We will see who we can find together and practice some basic skills that will help you to locate and identify the birds around you. Bring your curiosity, a set of binoculars and a bird field guide, if you have one.

Registration is not required but if you would like to be notified of cancellations due to weather, feel free to send an email to jen@spiritwalkers.ca with the subject: “Naturehood Outing.”

Naturehood Club Fall Bird Walks

Upcoming Outings

Fall Bird Walks

Date: Tuesday mornings (September 13- ?)
Time: 7:00 AM – 7:45 AM
Location: Pollinator Garden (north end of Carleton Avenue)
Leader: Jennifer Neate

As we move into September and the days grow shorter, the fall migrants are starting to travel through Champlain Park. Come out and meet some of the resident and migrant birds of your naturehood on this family-friendly outing. Fall birds are notoriously challenging to identify with their faded plumage and lack of song. So, prepare to put your powers of observation to the test as we attempt to locate and identify migrants as they prepare for their long journey south. Bring your curiosity, a set of binoculars and a bird field guide, if you have one.

Registration is not required but if you would like to be notified of cancellations due to weather, feel free to send an email to jen@spiritwalkers.ca with the subject: “Naturehood Outing.” You may also email me if you would like to be added to the Naturehood Club list to be informed of future events.

Naturehood Bird Walk Change – May 17

Naturehood Bird Walk – Tuesday, May 17

Please note that our start location has changed for this week. We will be meeting by the pollinator garden at the north end of Carleton Avenue, where it meets Pontiac Street, at the usual 7:00 am. This week promises to bring some new arrivals to the woods on the coming southerly winds. See you there!

Jennifer (jen@spiritwalkers.ca)

Naturehood Club

From the drumming of the majestic Pileated Woodpecker to the flowering of the dainty Trout Lily in early spring, the Champlain Park naturehood abounds with an abundance of plants, fungi and animals living out their lives just outside your door.

Join the Naturehood community and discover some of your wild neighbours while connecting with other local nature-lovers. Outings will be announced on the website, listserv and Facebook page. All are welcome!

Feel free to contact Jennifer if you have expertise to share and are interested in leading an outing (jen@spiritwalkers.ca)


Spring Bird Walks

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