Home Sharing Experiences

A Master’s student from McGill University’s School of Urban Design is looking for homeowners willing to talk about home sharing arrangements in Ottawa (Basement suites, laneway homes) for a research project. He’s looking for homeowners who support the practice (or not) and those who have had experience with it.

The project is being done with the Ottawa Climate Action Fund in an effort to create more affordable, carbon-friendly housing alternatives. The interviews will add input from Ottawa home owners into future projects.

It involves a 30-minute discussion via Zoom. They hope to do the interviews by the end of November. Those interested should contact Gavin Armitage-Ackerman at: gavin.armitage-ackerman@mail.mcgill.ca

New Home Air Quality Study

Since so many people in our neighbourhood have new houses, this may be of interest. And they send you a report too…

Are you moving into a newly built home in Ottawa? Health Canada wants to better understand indoor air quality in new homes. Find out if you qualify for this research study! Pls RT & share! visit https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/air-quality/study-new-homes-ottawa-gatineau.html

Vous emménagez dans une maison nouvellement construite à Ottawa? Santé Canada veut mieux comprendre la qualité de l’air intérieur dans les maisons neuves. Découvrez si vous êtes admissible à cette étude de recherche! RT & partagez svp ! https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/qualite-air/etude-maisons-neuves-ottawa-gatineau.html

[Poster with a house that has rooms labelled for air quality effects]

15-Minute Neighbourhoods Survey

Message from the City: 15-Minute Neighbourhoods Survey

The City of Ottawa’s goal is to become the most liveable mid-sized City in North America. To this end, the City has adopted the 15-minute neighbourhood concept, defined as “…neighbourhoods where you can access most of your day-to-day needs within a 15-minute walk from your home, on sidewalks and pathways, including when using a wheelchair or other mobility aids.”

We’d love to hear what makes a successful 15 minute neighbourhood for you! Please take a few minutes to complete this survey (External link), it will close on September 4th, 2020.

Link: https://engage.ottawa.ca/the-new-official-plan/news_feed/15-minute-neighbourhood

Survey on Neighbourhood Safety

Roland, our civic engagement person has a request:

The Federation of Community Associations (FCA) is kindly requesting you fill out a short 3 minute online survey on Community Safety and Security. We ask that you fill out the survey by December 6th.

Survey Link:
FCA Policing and Community Safety Survey

Many thanks,

Roland Dorsay

Ottawa Election 2014 – What’s important to you?

ecology ottawa logo2014 is an election year and your vote will help decide who leads our city into the future, so please take a moment to let us know what is important to you by taking a quick election survey.

Your answers will help guide our work over the coming year.

October’s election will help determine whether or not our city enjoys

  • affordable and convenient public transit
  • walkable and bike-safe communities
  • clean rivers
  • a healthy urban forest
  • clean energy options to break our oil dependence, doing our share to fight climate change

Ecology Ottawa will be working with like-minded people across the city to encourage candidates to show environmental leadership and your feedback will help guide our work. We’ll be looking for politicians who take strong positions for a sustainable city.

Please take a few moments to answer eight questions about your local environmental priorities. We’ll keep you up to date on the issues you care about most.

Take the survey here.

Graham Saul
Ecology Ottawa, Executive Director