CPCA Work Planning Session Agenda – January 8


Champlain Park Community Association (CPCA) Workplanning Session
Thursday Jan 8, 2015, 7:00 pm
at the Fieldhouse

Note: The chair will invite non exec community members to speak at specified times during the agenda

1- Overview of planning session (10 min)

Objective: to provide an overview of the planning session – objective of the session is to get input in order for the workplanning team (Dennis, Roland, Nick) to do the first draft of the workplan, structured as follows:

a) CPCA vision statement
b) Priority activity areas for CPCA

  • Activity area (or business line)
  • Goal(s)
  • Task(s)
  • People – at a general level, specifics will depend on community volunteer interest
  • Budget (if any) – at a general level, specifics to be determined at a later session

2- Brainstorming session on what CPCA does (25 min)

Objective: to develop a good list of what the CPCA does and can do in the future
Question: What are the important tasks that CPCA does or important things that the CPCA can do?

a) post-it note brainstorming (10 min)
b) discussion: do we have all the important tasks? (10 min)
c) group tasks into activity areas: is yours in the right place? (5 min)

3-Vision statement (25 minutes)

Objective: to define a common unifying theme or rationale for the identified activity areas and tasks
Question: What is our common purpose/mission? (why do what we do?)

4-Develop priority activity areas (or business lines) (50 minutes)

Objective: to develop a list of important activity areas (building on #2)
Question: What are the goals and related tasks for each activity area? Identify:

  • Activity area
  • Goal(s)
  • Task(s)
  • People – at a general level, specifics will depend on community volunteer interest
  • Budget (if any) – at a general level, specifics to be determined at a later session

5-Close (10 minutes)

-Workplanning team will write up the first draft of the CPCA workplan.
-Given discussion above – identify priority areas for discussions with the city councillor

Note regarding the purpose and implementation of the workplan:

CPCA Co-Chairs and executive members are not expected to enforce the plan or carry out all identified tasks. Executive members are volunteers who have already taken on responsibilities related to their individual positions and interests. Implementation of some aspects of the plan will depend on availability and involvement of other community volunteers. The plan may help to guide recruitment of such volunteers and budget allocation. The plan is meant to be flexible. Any future endeavours that arise can be discussed, prioritized and carried out as volunteers come forward.

Agenda items for the executive only

6- CPCA budget items
7-City budget items
8- Review of city list of street renovations
9- Any other items (to be prioritized for discussion at future meetings)

CPCA Executive Meeting Agenda Jan 8 2015.pdf