204 Northwestern Avenue Redevelopment Proposal – Follow-Up

From our community association co-chair CoChair1:

June 1, 2012

Re: Follow-Up to May 22, 2012 Meeting Regarding 204 Northwestern Avenue Development Proposal

At the meeting, we discussed everyone’s individual concerns, and then Heather and myself summarized what we could and could not address as a community association based on the planning principles and documents that form the basis of our evaluation framework.

I have just completed a successful negotiation process with the Owners through their architect, Rosaline Hill.  I have copied below the most pertinent information related to our negotiations.

A. E-mail from architect subsequent to our letter stating our remaining concerns

Date: Tue, 29 May 2012 14:14:41 -0400
Subject: Re: 204 Northwestern Follow-Up to May 22 Presentation
From: rosaline@rjhill.ca
To: CoChair1
CC: […]

Hello Everyone,

I have reviewed your comments along with other comments we have received.

Adam and Michael have agreed to the following changes:

  1. We will delete the rear roof patio,
  2. We will include plants between the driveways that will survive, as per your examples,
  3. We will reduce the width of the proposed front walkways from 4′ to 3′-8″, increasing the soft landscaping by 7.5sq.ft. in front of each semi.

Additional changes to our submission, not relating to your requests, will include:

  1. A revision to the draft R plan showing a narrow easement on the north side, in favour of 198 Northwester Ave, for vehicular access.
  2. A correction to the noted rear yard dimensions.  I have not changed the design or the location of the rear wall.  Drawings to date have shown the dimensions to the rear wall not including the chimney.  Because the chimney has living space above it, I will shift the dimension line to include it, as per the bylaw.
  3. I will amend the noted units sizes to be 2550sq.ft. plus basement.
  4. I will note on the drawing that the roof top patio (at the front) is 10’x15′.

B. Motion to Support Proposal Based on the e-mail above

A motion was passed unanimously by the Champlain Park Community Association Executive, dated May 31, 2012.  A more detailed letter will be sent to the Committee of Adjustment.

The Champlain Park Community Association (CPCA) supports the application for minor variances on lot width for the proposal to build a semi-detached home at 204 Northwestern Avenue (D08-01-12/B-00165 and B-00185 & D08-02-12/A-00164 and A-00184).

The CPCA and the proponents, Adam Gard and Michael Ayoub, Timberville Developments, have engaged in a successful negotiation process via their representative, architect Rosaline Hill.  This has resulted in a proposal that has addressed the major concerns and considerations of the association, based on Planning Principles, related to this specific site.

C. Notes Related to Issues Discussed at the Meeting

We discussed the neighbours’ concerns at the meeting and clarified what we could and could not address based on the planning principles.

We clarified the following points:

  • This is a contemporary style of architecture.  They are using more traditional finishing materials to soften the look of the buildings.
  • We advocated to eliminate rear yard privacy and overlook concerns related to rooftop decks,  as this is supported by City of Ottawa Official Plan policies.  In order to address our concerns, they have eliminated the rooftop decks originally overlooking the rear yard, while retaining those at the front.
  • The deeper lot depth on Northwestern (130 to 140 feet) means that only one minor variance (lot width) is required whereas other lots in the community with 100 foot depths require variances on both lot width and area.
  • This proposal is for a building of moderate size compared to some of the proposals that have been problematic on Northwestern.
  • This proposal has a well inset partial 3rd storey, that takes up 35% of the floor space compared to the floor below. This was a site specific variable that was assessed in the context of the overall proposal.  In this instance, adding living space to a partial 3rd storey has allowed them to have a very deep back yard so they are able to preserve some mature trees that will be an asset to the neighbourhood.
  • Note that the front yards of new semi-detached development will never have as extensive a “green presence” as the homes they are replacing, but the City has improved the requirements via the new by-law. The Owners have improved the front yard landscaping to address the new by-law provisions at our request.

Committee of Adjustment Hearing (Consent to Sever into Two Parcels and Minor Variances on Lot Width):

June 6, 3 PM, 101 Centrepointe Drive

Re: File Numbers: (D08-01-12/B-00165 and B-00185 & D08-02-12/A-00164 and A-00184)
Committee of Adjustment
101 Centrepointe Dr.
Ottawa  ON K2G5K7
Fax:  613-580-2436
E-mail:  cofa@ottawa.ca

Co-Chair, Champlain Park Community Association